How to auto share Blogger blog posts to Google+ Page?

3 min read
How to automatically share blog posts from Blogger to Google Plus Page Brand Page How to auto share Blogger blog posts to Google+ Page?

If you are a blogger using the Google's Blogger platform and you have a Google+ Page, then you can automatically let Blogger share published blog posts to your Google+ Page as soon as new content is posted. This minimizes your efforts to share your blog posts to your Google+ page if you have one.

In this post we will discuss the steps on "How to auto share Blogger blog posts to Google+ Page?"

Step one: 
Create a Google+ Page (Brand Page) if you do not have one yet

The detailed post is described in my previous blog post -  Creating a Google+ page for your Blog or Business. Kindly refer to the previous post for detailed steps. In a nutshell, the steps involves:

To create a dedicated Google+ page for your blog:
Once Google+ Page or Brand Account is created, you get an option to switch between the default Google+ Account and the Brand Account when clicking on the Google+ Profile picture on the right top corner.
How to automatically share blog posts from Blogger to Google Plus Page Brand Page How to auto share Blogger blog posts to Google+ Page?

Step Two:
Setup Blogger to auto publish blog posts from Blogger to Google+ Page 

To let Blogger auto publish new posts to the Google+ Page, do the following in Blogger settings: 

  • Login to Blogger and click on Settings
  • Under Settings, click on "Posts, Comments and Sharing settings"
  • Scroll down and find Share to Google+
  • Select the Google+ Page created.
  • Additional Google+ sharing settings:
    • Auto-share new published posts to your Google+ profile: Yes/No (Yes, will let Blogger to also share the published post to the Google+ Profile )
    • Prompt to share after posting: Yes/No
How to automatically share blog posts from Blogger to Google Plus Page Brand Page How to auto share Blogger blog posts to Google+ Page?

Posts shared by Blogger on Google+ Page looks like this:

How to automatically share blog posts from Blogger to Google Plus Page Brand Page How to auto share Blogger blog posts to Google+ Page?

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